Which vcuum do like the best?

Friday, October 22, 2010


My grandpa recently let me have his old Kirby D80. But it is not in my possesion yet. I have two hours out of town to get it. When i get it ill let yall know. :)


  1. d80 is a wonderful vac, some dont like the green but i do

  2. Well, im not going to post any pics of it, because its a piece of crap. And its a frankenkirby. The motor and power nozzle are from a D80, but the handle is from a D50. And theres some weird, screwed up bag on it. (my best guess was that it was a replacement bag). And theres no light, there are bad bearings, and i crushed my fingers trying to pick it up because the handle always leans to the front. Oh, and i wont be on vacuumland again. (maybe if i make another account). I got banned for reasons un known. So i guess anyone who wants to talk with me about vacuums can talk here.
